Wednesday, June 19, 2019

How can we conserve biodiversity on a global scale using evidence from Essay

How can we conserve biodiversity on a global crustal plate using evidence from evolution in deep time - Essay ExampleBecause of the changes in the plate tectonics combined with the fossil remains of the past reefs which was formed approximately between 360 to 440 million years ago (Veron, 2004), rock formation that we have right away is formed.Aside from the changes in the Earths surface, the defunctness of each species may also contribute to the formation of a new species. In line with this matter, Fredrickson and Onstott (1996) discussed the possibility that the subterranean bacteria could have been responsible non only in the erosion process of rocks but also in terms of converting the minerals from one form to another. Millions of years ago, the atmosphere was composed of blow monoxide, carbon dioxide, hydrogen, methane, sulphur, and nitrogen gases (Brasier et al., 2002 Haynes, 2002). Biologists suspected that the presence of photosynthetic bacteria around two to three mill ion years ago has changed the atmospheric condition we have today by releasing some oxygen into the atmosphere. (Haynes, 2002)The living fossils managed to survived hundreds of million years ago. However, 99.9% of all the species are now extinct (Raup, 1991, pp. 3 6). For this study, the past human and environmental factors that can significantly affect the extinction of some of plants, animals, micro-organisms, and the ecosystem among others leave behind be thoroughly discussed followed by reflecting on how we can effectively conserve biodiversity on a global scale based on the identified major causes of extinction. As part of the conclusion, recommended ways on how we can prevent the mass destruction of biodiversity will be provided in details.Human actions can result to a significant change within the environmental. Because of heavy industrialization, the loss of habitat due to heavy befoulment or the extinction of trees in the forests are among the common factors that could e ndanger the plant and animal

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